
Small World and elections and microsoft’s spyware and improv – May 2024

Spent a couple of days at Small World Festival this month, dancing and enjoying sun with friends. Started a stint with an improv group, and got real work done on the next Observers cartoon. Meanwhile the UK government finally fell apart so an emergency election was called, and Microsoft decided to have all their computers…

Read more Small World and elections and microsoft’s spyware and improv – May 2024

Blind Leap – February 2024

Special bonus newsletter with 3% more February than most years! I got a window blind custom-printed for the kitchen, while Fedi reacted fearfully to a potential bridge with BlueSky and a spam attack. Meanwhile, politics sucks. Me Life Had Pancakes on Pancake Day and sausage egg and chips for breakfast on my birthday and dinner…

Read more Blind Leap – February 2024

Working with Godot while Gaza kicks off again – October 2023

A new VR headset to play with, and apparently impossible programming problems solved, against a terrible political background of war and atrocity. Me New VR Headset New Meta Quest Headset 1) Install our app! You must install our app on your phone! [RELUCTANTLY INSTALLS APP ON BACKUP PHONE, logs in.] 2) Redirects to the website…

Read more Working with Godot while Gaza kicks off again – October 2023

May 2023 – A new king is corronated, I release two cartoons, AI’s progress continues.

A new king is corronated, I release two cartoons, AI’s progress continues, and the usual pile of links and stuff. Me The king got a coronation so I wonder about pulling swords from stones and watched some protoestors and photoshopped the new monarch and his crown Starmer was saying how Labour are the real Conservatives…

Read more May 2023 – A new king is corronated, I release two cartoons, AI’s progress continues.

April 2023 – New Film Premiered, Tarot Decks Available, AI and Fedi and VR games and Monarchy

During April my new short films premiered at the Kino event, my wordy tarot decks finally hit Amazon so I did a reading about leaving twitter, and we continued to talk about AI and Decentralization of social media as the monarch prepares get a new hat while sat on a magic rock that doesn’t even…

Read more April 2023 – New Film Premiered, Tarot Decks Available, AI and Fedi and VR games and Monarchy

Pre Goes Loopy

When his band broke up during Lockdown, Pre spent a lot of time playing with himself. With his loop-pedal that is. Who needs a drummer when there are machine drums? And who needs a bass player when you can just play synth bass and then loop over it? Who needs a lead guitarist when you…

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December 2022 – Happy New Year – Withdrawing Labour Over Xmas

December was full of strikes, and of starting delivery of the Kickstarter rewards, and of Christmas and New Year. Me Some stuff from my diary on the fediverse: The Kickstarter ended, but the money finally landed in my accounts so I had to learn more about the Kickstarter process and get the money and designs…

Read more December 2022 – Happy New Year – Withdrawing Labour Over Xmas

50th Birthday Party

March Update: All steam ahead. See you on Saturday! A celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of my birth will take place on the 4th of March 2023, upstairs at the Roebuck on Great Dover Street, SE1 4YG from 3pm until my birthday begins at midnight. Chilling in the afternoon, maybe some computer games on the…

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November 2022 – Kickstarter Progress and the Bird’s people continue fleeing to the Elephant

My kickstarter ran through all November, finishing with just under 200 people pledging just under 12k between them. Meanwhile, it all kicked off on Twitter, so Mastodon had to expand to three times the size to accommodate all the newbies. Still not turned the heating on. Turns out of you use some strong clothes-pegs you…

Read more November 2022 – Kickstarter Progress and the Bird’s people continue fleeing to the Elephant

Installing Calckey

Calkey is a open-source microblogging server that uses ActivityPub. It’s a fork of Misskey – both are similar to Mastodon and other software for connecting to the Fediverse. Seems really nice on first glance. Shame there’s not likely ever going to be a way to port an existing Mastodon instance into a new Calckey on.…

Read more Installing Calckey

October 2022 – An unelected new leader causes chaos and my new Kickstarter

This month an unelected leader took over and made massive stupid changes which risked the future of the whole thing. But is that Truss’s governance of Britain, or Musk’s governance of Twitter? Meanwhile, my new kickstarter is live! Me Some stuff from my diary on the fediverse: My kickstarter for my new tarot deck went…

Read more October 2022 – An unelected new leader causes chaos and my new Kickstarter

Peru 2022 Photos

As the monarch died, I boarded a plane bound for Peru and spent the mourning period having Peruvian adventures instead of being stuck at home with nothing but Mourn-Hub on TV. Here’s a photo gallery, you can also click the links below to see some description from my microblog at the time. I flew all…

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June 2022 Digest – Catching all the best acts at Glasto: Mccartney. Ross. Covid19.

My ribs healed just in time, thanks for your concern. So I went to Glasto this month and caught all the best acts: Paul McCartney, Dianna Ross, She Drew The Gun, Tankus The Henge, Javis Cocker, Covid-19. The last one really stuck with me, their stuff is very infectious. The rest were amazing as usual…

Read more June 2022 Digest – Catching all the best acts at Glasto: Mccartney. Ross. Covid19.

April 2022 Digest

The drama this month was mostly online with the reaction to Musk deciding to buy Twitter. The flood of newbies into the Fediverse, the complaints of the people losing followers on Twitter, economic and political and social analysis. He sure does get people talking. Spent a few nights with friends, but I spent most of…

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March 2022 Digest

I did some foreign travel, ate a ton of chocolate, got fat, won an award against a background of mass job-sackings and city-sackings and financial-hackings. Me Some stuff from my microblog on the fediverse: War in the internet age is weird, it’s on zoom and social media while television channels get banned. I went to…

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February Digest 2022

It’s been a good month if you don’t count the outbreak of war, continuing pandemic, threat of nuclear disaster or any of that stuff. Me Some stuff from my microblog on the fediverse: When Facebook threatened to leave Europe, there was a chorus of “Yes please” from all over the web, I was quoted to…

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February 2022 Digest

Me Some stuff from my microblog on the fediverse: I wrote a few paragraphs on web3 and identity and Moxie’s web3 post. I found out how to turn of the annoying web-search in the windows11 task-bar My drains got blocked and I did a tarot reading about it before actually managing to fix it myself…

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January 2022 Digest

Social Some stuff from my microblog on the fediverse: * A comment on the UK re-fortifying it’s drug war. * Pointing out forcing people into rehab doesn’t work. * Sometimes a broken clock tells the wrong time for 2 minutes an hour * Building a window for my server-cupboard * Things the press do and…

Read more January 2022 Digest

Haven Protocol

Someone mentioned the Haven protocol and I didn’t know what it was. Sometimes I look into some of these sorts of things a bit. Let’s have a look at this one. What does their documentation say? To Paraphrase, if we call Haven “X” for short, “Owning xCoin lets you convert your xCoin into xAssets…

Read more Haven Protocol