Hi. I’m Adam.

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Here’s the stuff I’ve made that I’m most proud of.


Here’s my latest posts to the free fediverse, some rambling, some ranting, mostly just commenting on stuff I’ve read lately. Some of it gets syndicated to Twitter but mostly not. The best of it reaches my monthly digest email.

Fri, 18 Oct 2024 22:36:13 +0000

Those books can be read online or you can get lulu to print you a copy:

* dalliance.net/dreamsheep

* dalliance.net/yes

The tarot cards you can get at:

* wordcloudtarot.com/

The tentacles movie:

* tentacles.org.uk/

Maybe I should print a DVD of the newer starship stuff or something. Seems weird how old everything on the display-shelf is. It doesn't mean I'm past-it!?

Fri, 18 Oct 2024 22:03:32 +0000

It's more striking in person that it seems in the photos I can take.

A corner of the room is glowing, way more so than the posters because it's insides are lit in a way the poster's aren't.

Fri, 18 Oct 2024 21:56:06 +0000

The "magic home" wifi-led-controller I had lying around seems to be an updated version compared to the few already scattered around my studio.

The reverse-engineered (not by me) control for the old ones didn't seem to work with the new one 😞

Turns out to need an extra word written to the byte-stream written to port 5577. Dunno what that word means. I send a zero.

The presence of the extra zero does not break the old controllers, so who cares.

Fri, 18 Oct 2024 21:53:22 +0000

Instead of doing the things I hoped to do today, I have made some sort of trophy case / shrine.

The top shelf of my bookshelves is now surrounded with a strip of LEDS to light it's interior.

This makes it a display shelf, so instead of all the junk and boxes and the to-read queue which used to be there, it seemed to need some thing face-forwards. A display-shelf.

So on the shelf now, my work, from right to left:

* Word Cloud Tarot deck - Original Edition
* Photo-book of holiday in Africa
* A DVD of my movie: Tentacles, After The End.
* A copy of my pocket-book, "Do Dream Sheep Bleat?", black and white with a penguin on the cover.
* A copy of my book "Yes, the conspiracy really exists, and furthermore it's all your fault!"
* A copy of the photobook from my trip to Iceland
* A wordcloud tarot deck made in partnership with @IamHappyToast

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 21:37:12 +0000

I dunno what Matt Automattic is so mad about anyway, How can "Wet Pussy Engine" possibly violate any wordpress trademarks.

What did you think it stood for?


Wet Pussy Engine
Willy Probe Engine
Wrong Posting Engine
Work Plundering Engine
Other, below.

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 17:37:36 +0000

The car-club tell me that I put "premium" petrol into the car and they don't normally allow that but they'll let me off this one time and refund me anyway.

TIL: There is such a thing as premium petrol?

In what way is it better I wonder? I guess you must presumably get more miles per liter? But if the car-club don't like it then presumably also more pounds-per-mile.


I told 'em if they need a special type of petrol then they need to label which types are allowed coz all it said was "unleaded" and I dunno how you tell premium-petrol from pleb-petrol.

It was the closest of the pumps that said "unleaded".

They're pushing the electric cars, pointing out there's free charging.

I'm not against the electric cars at all, but I can't plan around them. Who knows if it'll be 5% or 100% charged when I get it, if I'll have to spend an hour waiting for it to charge before I get to the destination?

Car-club electric cars are gonna need a charger at the parking-spot so I can be sure it'll be charged when I get it.

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 00:21:07 +0000

All this and Podcast's too.

My attention to my RSS reader has waxed and waned over the years but it's not been zero since way before Google Reader.

I host my own with TTRS these days so that nobody can shut my reader down.

There's always been so much more there than I can read, so many feeds get neglected.

People who say they have a blog or a podcast and that blog or podcast doesn't have a RSS feed?

Nah mate, what you have there is a website or a page on a corporate directory. Without RSS is just isn't a blog nor podcast.


Tue, 15 Oct 2024 18:12:41 +0000

Drove up to Banbury for lunch with the folks again.

They finally replaced the closest car-club car that's been gone for ages.

Automatic gearbox which is nice. Car has no key-slot. Just a button with stop/start written on it.

It turns on the screen after one press, and turns the screen off after another press. 🤨 🤔 But how to start the engine?

Had to call 'em to ask. Apparently the trick is to be in Neutral, and hold the brake pedal, and press the start button all at once.

That works, but then in the car to drive back: "Start/Stop button error, consult manual!" 🤨

I turned it off and on again a few times and seemed to work eventually.

Took a while to figure out how to open the petrol hole too. There's a button under the dashboard.

I like the 360-view parking cameras though. See the car and it's surroundings as though from a helicopter, like playing grand-theft-auto-1.


Mon, 14 Oct 2024 11:40:16 +0000

Linked-in's data-protection officer has responded to my request and suggested this link to request data-deletion.


I have asked for the whole account to be deleted, explained that I don't trust their scammy spamming organisation with any kind of passport upload, and requested that the only data they retain is a do-not-send on my email address.

Fingers crossed that will work 🤞

Sun, 13 Oct 2024 19:21:23 +0000

Thanks for the two new controllers @revk - the USBA ones (i assume new style?) are more compact and easier to work with.

Though they have a URL that links to a 404 page (usba dot revk) and for some reason get stuck into a reboot-loop if configured properly, but powered from the machine I flashed them from. That confused me for ages till I just plugged 'em into a battery instead.

Also confusing was the suggestion I'd have to do some gluing which apparently was already done.

Sun, 13 Oct 2024 19:17:20 +0000

Added some LED strips. Planning more software to control these things but for now they're just synched up to the same firework loop.

Probably add another strip behind the main door-mirrors later.

Looking pretty funky in there, especially with the main overhead light set to cycle colours too.

Wed, 09 Oct 2024 22:10:22 +0000

Linked In write to me, telling me they're gonna start uploading into their AI and I should opt or or delete the account or something if I don't want that.

They will not let me log in unless I upload a passport photo.

I have written to their data protection officer asking to be forgotten instead.

I would sooner sue them with lawyers than upload any data more data to their spamming servers.

Amazing how hard it is to find a way to contact them when you don't have access to an account, but they have to provide a way to contact the data protection officer. It's the law.

Wed, 09 Oct 2024 09:51:04 +0000

This week the corporation of london tell me that I can probably have a garage on the estate by the end of the month.

Asked for one of them years ago.

Was thinking a micro-camper could go in it when it came up.

So I spent a bit of yesterday looking at all the tiny microcampers the like of which would fit in a standard domestic garage and also I wouldn't feel terrified trying to drive.

Seems like really this means the smallest of the vans, the cars designed to carry a family of seven.

All the already-converted ones have some flaw of course which makes them less than perfect. Wrong type of sink or bed in the wrong place or whatever.

Meanwhile, the camper-converted ones seem to be selling for around 8 grand more than the unconverted ones, while also companies are claiming they'll do the conversion for more like 4 grand.

So it seems like you could make small amounts of money by buying the cars, paying a company to convert them, and then selling them as campers.

Not interested in doing that, but does seem likely to be the best route to getting a camper of my own I really like. Design it myself. Buy the car and pay for a conversion to my design.

Now the only trouble is I don't know anything about cars. The Renault Kangaroo seems like it's about the right shape. Probably not the electric version given the range and charging time and the length of journey a camper typically does. But definitely not diesel either given the Ultra-low-emission requirements of the city I live in.


Mon, 07 Oct 2024 19:30:07 +0000

This month's newsletter/digest is on the way to the mailboxes of the patient careful builders who has asked for it.

The rest of you cowboy scammers can read it here:

Featuring the AI rant that lost me so many followers and the description of the end of building my bathroom, also war and politics and science videos in the links section.

Mon, 07 Oct 2024 13:16:47 +0000

I read "Technofudalism" by Yanis Varoufakis, in which he describes the collapse of Capitalism in 2008, and the rise of cloud capital as the economy instead forms around the restricted not-free markets like Amazon and the other web monopolies.

He talks for a bit about a turning point when the economic news was terrible, but the markets reacted by increasing prices.

The capital knew that the government response would be to print money, and inflate the price of capital. The worse the news, the more the government prints, the more the capital prices expand.

That did seem to lead to capitalism breaking down in 2008 with the transfer of the bankrupt bank balance-sheets onto the public ledger, and the money-printers since then funding asset-inflation and driving down the power of the workers.

He describes the way the non-free cloud "markets" operate and the way asset-price inflation driven by the money printing is funding the monopolization of the network.

I'm not really convinced that the new situation will be long-lived enough to call it a replacement for capitalism though. The money-printer driven economy doesn't seem stable enough to last, though it's collapse may well be uncomfortable to the point of deadly.

Sun, 06 Oct 2024 23:52:24 +0000

Watched the new season of "The Cleaner" on the BBC, in which Greg Davies plays a man assigned to clean crime-scenes after an investigation.

It's very silly. Great stuff.

Episode 5 was just mental, with Sharon Rooney playing the multiple-personalities as "the housekeeper" and more.

Reminded me of doing improv, especially when Greg started acting other personas too and she just accepted it and yes-anded to accept that okay, he's the lord of the manor now.

Loving the accents too, especially in E6, finding myself repeating half the lines in Brummy accent. Like being back home.

"Who else 'as facilities in Stowerbrige, Doodlay, an' West Brum?".

A list of the local towns from home. 😆

"Biggest providers in th' Black Coontray".

"People say ter me, why storage? Ah say 'cos every kingdom needs a king! The plains o' Africa got the lion, an' the leadin' storage solution o' Wulver'ampton got Bob Mammot" 🤣

Good stuff, Greg and the BBC do great at this kind of thing.

Sun, 06 Oct 2024 21:14:06 +0000

Using Librewolf.

I like the way there's a special toggle to allow sites to keep cookies. Only allow those you want to keep you logged in.

Since Mozilla is merging with an advertising company and doing this "differential privacy" scam, I can't really trust them on my machine directly any more.

So long Mozilla, thanks for all the cookie-blocks.


Fri, 04 Oct 2024 19:14:02 +0000

The company that did the work is maintenance1st.

They did good work, were well behaved, adapted to my needs, communicated well and came in more or less on quote given my demanding adaptions as we went.

They are understaffed or over-demanded though, so while it took about as many man-hours as expected, those got spread out over twice as many calendar days as expected so it took twice as long.

It felt expensive but I think that's mostly the 25% inflation we've had in the last few years.


Fri, 04 Oct 2024 19:09:52 +0000

Couple of shots with my furniture moved in.

Sadly real plants won't stand a chance in a literally windowless box but I think I'm ordering some fake cactus for the front of the dehumidifier nook and red ivy flowers to drape over the self-rack.

Fri, 04 Oct 2024 18:54:06 +0000

This will help a lot with shaving my own head for sure. Easiest time shaving and dying ever.

Yes, I did carefully cover everything in old shower curtains before I started slinging dye about, even though the things are already black so black dye might not even matter.

Click Here For More...


A list of the last few things I’ve enjoyed reading/watching or sometimes bookmarked to read later. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed here or follow the little robot on the fediverse that toots them out as I bookmark them.

Pluralistic: You should be using an RSS reader (16 Oct 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

"this is how social media used to work, before it was enshittified. You can single-handedly disenshittify your experience of virtually the entire web, just by switching to RSS, traveling back in time to the days when Facebook and Twitter were more interested in showing you the things you asked to see, rather than the ads and boosted content someone else would pay to cram into your eyeballs."

Owen Jones: My verdict on Keir Starmer's first 100 days

Perhaps the leadership will be helped by a Budget which will be forced to offer some answers to mounting crisis: but the refusal to overturn a failed economic model means that won’t last. Labour is assisted by a shambolic Conservative party, but one poll put it just one point ahead of its only recently crushed opposition without even a change of leadership. You cannot rule out this government disintegrating completely in office.

Labour’s carbon-capture scheme will be Starmer’s white elephant: a terrible mistake costing billions | George Monbiot | The Guardian

Monbiot on the government's 20 billion quid for carbon capture in the fossil fuels industry: "The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, talks of a fiscal “black hole” of £21.9bn. But this is a real black hole: a long tunnel into the rocks, down which £21.7bn and more will be poured. A more reliable and cost-effective means of sequestering carbon would be to bundle up the money (roughly 1,100 tonnes in £20 notes) and shove it down the pipe."

The Busy Worker’s Handbook to the Apocalypse | by Sam Hall | Medium

"Climate change will cause agricultural failure and subsequent collapse of hyperfragile modern civilization, likely within 10–15 years. By 2050 total human population will likely be under 2 billion. Humans, along with most other animals, will go extinct before the end of this century. These impacts are locked in and cannot be averted. Everything in this article is supporting information for this conclusion." - well argued and detailed reference on the state of the climate and it's depressing.

A Very Peculiar Triumph - Craig Murray

Murray on Assange's first public statement after his release: "...I looked over at the applauding media, and thought how Julian had been slandered and traduced and his case entirely misrepresented for over a decade. I recalled how he had been wrongly represented for years as a sexual offender and as a lunatic who smeared excrement on walls."..."Oh well … “there is more joy in heaven at one sinner that repenteth”.  If the mainstream media are now willing to give positive coverage to Julian’s thoughts, that will be a good thing, as indeed largely happened over this event. His words on the assassination of journalists in Gaza and on the programming of targets in Gaza using AI were an excellent pointer towards where his thoughts are trending.

People said this experiment was impossible, so I tried it - YouTube

Some great slow-motion video of the thermite reaction in Veritasium's video here. 

IN FULL: Julian Assange makes first public statement since prison release - YouTube

Julian Assange's first public address since his release, giving evidence to a European parliamentary assembly. Journalism is not a crime, it's shocking and chilling what they did to him. #assange #media #law

The Internet’s AI Slop Problem Is Only Going to Get Worse

NYMag examining the state of AI slop drowning out the internet: "In the nearly two years since, a rising tide of slop has begun to swamp most of what we think of as the internet, overrunning the biggest platforms with cheap fakes and drivel, seeming to crowd out human creativity and intentionality with weird AI crap."

‘Everyone In Gaza is Sick, Injured, Or Both’ – Israel’s 2.1 million Victims – Media Lens

Media Lens once again contrasting reporting of terrorism done by Israel to the terrorism done by the IRA and Muslim organizations: "It is difficult to overstate the importance of these incendiary appeals for war, and more to the point, the impact on our psyches when these appeals for urgent ‘action’ are almost completely absent, as is the case now on Gaza. No newspaper editor would dream of calling for a ‘no-fly zone’ over Gaza."..."We are trained to recognise a major crisis by the level of alarm sounded by corporate media. As with the evolving climate change catastrophe, it is all too easy for the lack of media alarm to persuade us that things are ‘not that bad’. Perhaps the climate isn’t really collapsing, or the problem is under new management. Perhaps the suffering in Gaza isn’t actually that bad. Otherwise, we would surely have heard more outrage from the ‘humanitarian interventionists’. Assuming we live in a basically sane society that is not drowning in moral and intelle…

...Will Save Your Life Next Week - YouTube

Kurzgesagt's video is trying to safe your life by looking at their audience's behaviour: 3 of you will die this week because you looked at your phone while driving. Stop it! Check your speed and your balls and your mental health. Apparently I am way over the average age for this advice though.

Pluralistic: What the fuck is a PBM? (23 Sep 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

State of the US health system by Cory Doctorow: "the insurers haven't bought out the company you work for (yet). Rather, they've bought off your boss – they're sharing kickbacks with your employer for all the deductibles and co-pays you're being suckered into paying. There's so much money (your money) sloshing around in the PBM scamoverse that anytime someone might get in the way of you being ripped off, they just get cut in for a share of the loot"

Why Scientists Are Puzzled By This Virus - YouTube

The things going on in our bodies are just dizzyingly complicated. Here's Kurzgesagt talking about the friendly viruses in your body.

How the war on Gaza exposed Israeli and western fascism

Johnathan Cook talk about how Israel's war on Gaza exposes their genocidal lust."Whether intentionally or not, Hamas tore off the mask of that deception on 7 October. The pretence of an ideological rift between western leaders on the right and a supposed “left” evaporated overnight. They all belonged to the same war party; they all became devotees of the genocide party.", "All have clamoured for Israel’s supposed “right to defend itself” – in truth, its right to continue decades of oppression of the Palestinian people – by imposing a blockade on food, water and power to Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants. ","All actively approve arming Israel’s slaughter and maiming of tens of thousands of Palestinians. All have done nothing to impose a ceasefire apart from paying lip service to the notion.", "All seem readier to tear up international law and its supporting institutions than to enforce it against Israel. All denounce as antisemitism the mass protests against genocide, rather th…

Prepare for Execution - DYNAMO DREAM - Ep1 Pt2 - YouTube

Ian Hurbert's latest is like he scripted the whole thing to be as difficult to shoot as possible and then went and excelled at every shot. So beautiful. The only point of that coat can be the make the lighting harder. #film #cgi #watching

Stumbling and Mumbling: Playing by the rules

StumlingAndMubling on Labour's apparent rules:1. Accept the media's framing of economics. 2. Don't challenge the power of capital.3. Increase profits.4. Don't engage with the left.5. Let money talk.

The End of Western Pluralist Democracy - Craig Murray

Craig Murray on the state crackdown on anti-genocide protestors: "Palestine has the legitimate right of self defence against the illegal occupation."The occupying power Israel has no right of self defence. That is the plain position in international law."Yet in the UK, it is legal to offer full throated support to Israel’s genocide and to wish that all Palestinians are exterminated."IDF participants in genocide happily move between Israel and the UK with no legal consequences."Yet it is illegal to support certain Palestinian organisations when engaged in legal acts of armed resistance."

How might LLMs store facts | Chapter 7, Deep Learning - YouTube

3Blue-1Brown video on Multi Layer Perceptrons, the other layers that aren't attention layers in a transformer AI like GPT.#maths #video #ai

Why Ukraine Suddenly Decided to Invade Russia - YouTube

Strategy analysis of Ukraine's counter-attack back into Russia.

Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong | WIRED

I remember being a little worried when Moxie left Signal but I need not have worried because Meridith is well cool. She gets it. She's hip.

We Traveled Back in Time. Now Physicists Are Angry. - YouTube

Kurzgesagt on time-travel and tachyons and all that.

A tentacle themed attire for the gig